Car Talk
Car Talk is a group of questions based on classes so parents can talk to their children to start a conversation about what they have learned in class.
Week 1
Age Level: 7-9
- Core Lesson:
- Welcome to First Tee Let’s Work Together!
- I Can Be Responsible: Respecting the Rules
- Golf Skills:
- Putt and Full Swing
- Golf Skills Objective:
- Target awareness and get ready to swing
- Target selection and where to aim and align to a desired target
- Difference in motion for chipping and pitching (length of backswing)
- Life Skill Questions:
- Why is it important to respect the rules of golf?
- Why is it important to show good sportsmanship on and off the course?
- When was there a time you showed good sportsmanship and a time when you didn’t?
- Is it always important to win or can we learn from losing?
Age Level: 10-11
- Core Lesson:
- Meeting & Greeting with A-L-R
- Appreciating & Valuing Diversity
- Golf Skills:
- Putting and Full Swing
- Golf Skills Objectives:
- How to hold, set-up, and aim & alignment which leads to hitting quality golf shots
- Learning distance response
- Life Skill Questions:
- When can we use A-L-R at home, school, on the golf course, or with friends
- What is the difference between a chip and pitch shot?
- How can we collaborate at home or at school?
- How can we collaborate on the golf course? With friends and family
Age Level: 12-13
- Core Lesson:
- Setting Goals!
- Getting to Your Goals: Plan to Achieve!
- Golf Skills:
- Chip and Pitch
- Golf Skill Objectives:
- Reviewing hold, set-up and aim & alignment
- Learning target awareness and distance to a target
- The target is not always the hole but maybe a start line
- Life Skill Questions:
- What is the difference between a short and long term goal?
- What goals can be set to achieve at home, school, or on the golf course?
- Why is it important to have a process or purpose in pursuing a goal at home, school, or on the golf course?
Age Level: 14+
- Core Lesson:
- Dealing with Conflict: making a positive impact
- Using good judgment and respecting other perspectives
- Understanding our personal impact
- Using CARE (Communicate, Actively Listening, Review Options, End with a win-win solution)
- Golf Skills:
- Chip and Pitch
- Golf Skill Objectives:
- Review hold, set-up and aim & alignment
- Learning body balance when chipping and pitching
- Understanding the variable of speed or energy applied to the swing for a chip or pitch
- Learning variety of clubs to use when chipping
- Life Skill Questions:
- When can you use CARE at home, school, on the golf course, or with friends and family?
- How can you deal with a conflict at home, school, on the golf course, or with friends and family?
- How can we use good judgment at home, school, on the course, or with friends and family?
- How can we respect other perspectives at home, school, on the golf course, or with friends and family?
Week 2
Age Level: 7-9
- Core Lesson:
- Making good choices: Doing the right thing
- Using good judgment
- Golf Skills:
- Chip and Pitch
- Golf Skills Objective:
- Learning a grip that works for the participant and the general motion of how to swing the golf club
- Life Skill Questions:
- When can I make good choices at home, school, on the golf course, or with friends and family?
- Why is it important to do the right thing at home, school, on the golf course, or with friends and family?
- When do we use good judgment at home, school, on the golf course, or with friends and family?
Age Level: 10-11
- Core Lesson:
- Learn and Grow with Grit!
- Growing through challenges and discovering inner strength
- Understanding how to dig deep when things get tough
- Golf Skills:
- Chip and Pitch
- Golf Skills Objective:
- Review get ready to swing by hold, set-up, aim & alignment
- Learning and understanding a balanced finished in your swing
- Reviewing the importance of a golf grip and the different types of grips
- Life Skill Questions:
- How can you develop grit at home, school, and on the golf course?
- How can you grow through challenges at home, school, on the golf course, and with friends and family?
- Have you ever faced a time when you had to dig deep at home, school, and on the golf course?
Age Level: 12-13
- Core Lesson:
- Getting to your Goal: plan to achieve a goal
- Learning from the process of pursuing goals
- Creating plans to achieve a goals
- Golf Skills:
- Putt and Full Swing
- Golf Skills Objective:
- Swing Rhythm
- Distance Response
- Life Skill Questions:
- How can you plan a goal at school or on the golf course?
- Will you always reach a goal?
Age Level 14+
- Core Lesson:
- Learning from our failure and dealing with adversity
- Building positive self-identity
- Developing resilience and discovering inner strength
- Golf Skills:
- Putt and Full Swing
- Golf Skills Objective:
- Learning the swing rhythm in a golf swing
- Swing tempo
- Breaking down the swing sequence
- Using swing tempo to help reinforce distance response
- Life Skill Questions:
- How can you learn from your failure at school and on the course?
- When do you build positive self-identity at home, school, and on the golf course?
- Where can you develop resilience at home, school, and on the golf course?
- When was the last time you faced adversity and how did you overcome it?
Week 3
Age Level 7-9
- Core Lesson:
- I’m a Good Sport: Being a Team Player
- Golf Skills:
- Putt and Full Swing
- Golf Skills Objective:
- Exploring how different swing lengths impact a shot
- Life Skill Questions:
- How can we collaborate at home or at school?
- How can we collaborate on the golf course? With friends and family
- How can we use good judgment at home, school, on the course, or with friends and family?
Age Level 10-11
- Core Lesson:
- Staying Cool
- Using good judgment
- Learning two of the 4Rs (Relax and Replay)
- Demonstrating emotional control on the golf course
- Golf Skills:
- Putt and Full Swing
- Golf Skills Objective:
- Get ready to swing- pointing the club face to the target and aiming the body with the clubface
- Target awareness with different clubs
- Distance control with the length of the backswing
- Life Skill Questions:
- How can you use the two Rs at home, school, on the course, and with friends and family?
- When do you use good judgment at home, school, on the course, and with friends and family?
- How can you relax on the course or in between shots?
- How can emotional control help you play a better game of golf?
Age Level: 12-13
- Core Lesson:
- Dealing with Challenges On and Off the Course
- Golf Skills:
- Chip and Pitch
- Golf Skills Objective:
- Size and length of motion in swing
- Swing tempo- the swing speed
- Exploring different tempos and lengths to find what works best for chipping and pitching
- Life Skill Questions:
- How do you address challenges at home and school?
- How can you use these lessons to deal with challenges on the course?
Age Level 14+
- Core Lesson:
- Getting to Your Goal: Taking Ownership of Goal Achievement
- Learning from both achievements and setback
- Focusing on different types of goals
- Understanding the WHY behind a goal
- Golf Skills:
- Chip and Pitch
- Golf Skill Objectives:
- Target awareness and distance response
- Target selection and reaction to target
- Club selection and reaction to target
- Life Skill Questions:
- Why do we set goals?
- What is the difference between process, performance, and outcome goals?
- What are the four guidelines for setting a reachable goal?
- How is target awareness related to other golf fundamentals you have learned?
- How are distance response and target awareness connected?
- What do you do if your opponent accidentally steps on your ball?
Week 4
Age Level 7-9
- Core Lesson:
- Developing Confidence: I Can Do It!
- Building positive self-identity
- Play with Perseverance: Commit, Don’t Quit!
- Growing through challenges
- Discovering your capabilities
- Developing self-confidence
- Golf Skills:
- Chip and Pitch
- Golf Skill Objectives:
- Getting ready to swing
- Target awareness
- Target selection
- Aim and alignment
- Life Skill Questions:
- What are you good at? How did you become good at doing those things?
- How can you help others develop their own self-confidence?
- When should you mark your ball on the putting green?
- What does it mean to persevere?
- Which golf skill requires you to persevere the most? Which is easiest for you?
Age Level 10-11
- Core Lesson:
- Finding Your Personal Par
- Building a positive self-identity
- Discovering what they are capable of
- Growing self-confidence
- Defining the different scores in Golf
- Golf Skills:
- Chip and Pitch
- Golf Skill Objectives:
- Clubface Awareness
- Get ready to Swing- Target selection and aim/ alignment
- Clubface direction at contact
- Learning feel of the clubface as you make a bigger swing
- Life Skill Questions:
- How will you use a personal par while playing golf?
- How can you use personal par at home, school, or with friends and family?
- How can you grow your self-confidence?
- Where on the clubface do you want to hit the ball?
- Why is it important to clean your golf ball?
Age Level 12-13
- Core Lesson:
- Embracing Your Identity & Building Your Confidence
- Respecting & Valuing Diversity
- Golf Skills:
- Putt and Full Swing
- Golf Skill Objectives:
- Reinforcement of distance response
- Using the 4R’s to create a post-shot routine
- Life Skill Questions:
- How do you build a positive self-identity?
- How do we collaborate with others at school, at home, and on the golf course?
- Why is it important to value everyone’s perspective?
Age Level 14+
- Core Lesson:
- Being a Trustworthy Person
- Building a Trustworthy Team
- Golf Skills:
- Putt and Full Swing
- Golf Skill Objectives:
- Target awareness and distance response
- Target selection and reaction to target
- Club selection and reaction to target
- Life Skill Questions:
- How do we find the courage to do what is right?
- How do we respect the rules in golf and in life?
- How does being trustworthy and trusting your instincts help you in life and on the golf course?
Week 5
Age Level- 7-9
- Core Lesson:
- Using Good Judgment
- Making good choices
- Showing Discernment
- Golf Skills:
- Putt and Full Swing
- Golf Skill Objectives:
- Distance response and target awareness
- Size and length of motion
- Target selection
- Club selection
- Life Skill Questions:
- What types of decisions do you have to make at home, school, or on the golf course?
- Why do you think it can be hard to make decisions?
- How do you practice making smart decisions?
- How many parts of the golf course can you name?
- What is the difference between a chip and a pitch?
Age Level 10-11
- Core Lesson:
- Dreams and Goals
- Growing and learning by setting goals
- Difference between a short and long term goal
- Golf Skills:
- Putt and Full Swing
- Golf Skill Objectives:
- Distance response
- Body balance
- Club selection
- Having a balanced finished
- Life Skill Questions:
- What is the difference between a dream and a goal?
- What is the difference between a short term and long term goal?
- What can you do today to start to make your dream a reality?
- How does having a balanced finish help you control distance?
- In which golf skill (putt, chip, pitch, or full swing) is it easier to control distance and / or balance?
Age Level 12-13
- Core Lesson:
- Respecting and Valuing Diversity
- Collaborating with others
- Respecting and valuing other perspectives
- Recognize how individual differences can contribute to team success
- Golf Skills:
- Chip and Pitch
- Golf Skill Objectives:
- Clubface awareness
- Get ready to swing
- Target Awareness
- Hold set-up, aim and alignment
- Life Skill Questions:
- How can your unique talents and abilities contribute to your success on the golf course?
- How can discovering what you are capable of help you at and away from First Tee?
- How can your unique talents and abilities contribute to your success when you are off the course and at home, at school, or out in your community?
- Is your pre-shot routine the same for every shot?
- Why might your pre-shot routine change from shot to shot?
Age Level 14+
- Core Lesson:
- Who Am I? Embracing Identity and Developing an Understanding of Self
- Building positive self-identity
- Collaborating with others
- Using good judgment
- Being trustworthy and trusting your instincts
- Having the courage to do what is right
- Golf Skills:
- Chip and Pitch
- Golf Skill Objectives:
- Clubface awareness
- Clubface direction at impact and how it affects the different types of ball flight
- Clubface direction at impact centeredness of hit
- Life Skill Questions:
- What does it mean to be trustworthy?
- Why is it important to surround yourself with a go-to team you can trust?
- Why is it important to listen to your intuition and trust your instincts as a go-to person?
- What does an optimal impact position feel like with a driver? With an Iron?
- Why is clubface awareness important?
- What do you do when your ball comes to rest on the wrong green?
Week 6
Age Level 7-9
- Core Lesson:
- On Your Mark, Get Set, Goal!
- Pursuing Goals
- Learning from achievements and setbacks
- Golf Skills:
- On Course
- Golf Skill Objectives:
- Playing a few holes on the golf course
- Learning the game on the course
- Life Skill Questions:
- Why is it important to set goals and work toward achieving them?
- What can you learn from failing to accomplish a goal?
Age Level 10-11
- Core Lesson:
- Appreciating and Valuing Diversity!
- Collaborating with others
- Appreciating differences
- Respecting others perspectives
- Golf Skills:
- On the Course
- Golf Skill Objectives:
- Playing a few holes on the golf course
- Learning the game on the course
- Life Skill Questions:
- What is diversity?
- How can diversity and our differences be strengths?
- What should you do if you hit the wrong ball?
- Why is it important to put identifying marks on your golf ball?
- Which golf skill is easiest for you to aim your clubface? Which is the hardest?
Age Level 12-13
- Core Lesson:
- Being a Go-To Person
- Building a Go-To Team
- Golf Skills:
- Putting and Full Swing
- Golf Skill Objectives:
- Pre-shot routine
- Get ready to swing-aim and alignment
- Using STAR to create or refine a pre-shot routine (Stop, Think, Anticipate, and Respond)
- Life Skill Questions:
- How do we use the game of golf to build a winning attitude?
- How do we use the game of golf to build a winning team?
Age Level 14+
- Core Lesson:
- Planning for the Future: A Game Changer’s Game Plan
- Pursuing goals
- Demonstrating excitement to grow and learn without fear of failure
- Envisioning your future
- Golf Skills:
- On the Course
- Golf Skill Objectives:
- Playing a few holes on the golf course
- Learning the game on the course
- Life Skill Questions:
- How can visualization be used as an effective tool on and off the golf course?
- What are some ways you can adapt if unexpected changes or shifts to your plan occur?
- How can a pre-shot routine help you prepare for your shot?
- How can a post-shot routine help you plan for future shots?
- What are the three different types of relief?
- When should you play a provisional ball?